Designing a Seat Reservation for Movie Theatre
What's this project for?
- I developed this personal project as part of my assignment under the guidance of the Google UX Design Professional Certificate, the prompt was to develop a seat reservation app for a movie theatre. The project followed the design principles outlined in Google Material Design.
- Developing the app core, and implementing key functionalities to ensure a seamless navigation experience aligned with user's needs.
Features designed
- Choosing a movie
- Reserving tickets
- Pre-ordering snacks
- Accessing premium membership benefits
- Reserving tickets
- Pre-ordering snacks
- Accessing premium membership benefits
The Challenge
- Designing an app for reserving cinema seats, while exploring opportunities to incorporate additional features desired by users.
UX / Product Designer
User Research, Personas, Competitor Analysis, User Flow, Wireframes, Moderated Usability Test, High Fidelity Prototype and Style Guide.

Empathise Phase
Gaining insights about the users through Qualitative Research
At the earliest stage, I conducted qualitative research by interviewing 5 users to gain insights into their behaviour. During interviews, users highlighted which functionalities they would be most interested in.
Target participant characteristics
- Ages 18-50
- Lives in metropolitan or suburban areas
- People who go to the cinema at least once per month
- Include participants of different genders
- Include participants with disabilities
- Understanding which functionality is the most desired
- Understanding common challenges people face trying to use similar apps
- Identifying frustrations people experience during the process
- Identifying opportunities people may be interested in.

Organising the insights with Empathy Mapping
After concluding the Qualitative Research, the insights were still fresh in my mind. I organised the collected data using Empathy Mapping for a clear and easy understanding of what I had learned about the users.

Define Phase
Meeting our personas and their stories
Taking the next step from the Emphatize Phase to the Define Phase, I crafted 2 personas to represent the main target and kept the end-users always in mind. After creating the personas, I crafted a user story to guide my design priorities.

How users navigate toward their goals with a User Journey Map
Journey Mapping played an essential role in understanding the process from the user's perspective. It's also worth highlighting that the User Journey Map guided me in crafting a clear sitemap.

Problem Statement, Rachel Alexandra
"Rachel is a Marketing Manager who needs to purchase snacks in advance because she's always late for any appointment after work".
Problem Statement, Roberto de Souza
"Roberto is an I.T. Engineer who needs a premium subscription to go to the cinema more often because he wants to bring his family members".
Hypothesis Statement, Rachel Alexandra
"Rachel needs a functionality that allows her to purchase snacks in advance and notifies her about the new tastes that are available".
Hypothesis Statement, Roberto de Souza
"Roberto needs a feature to access the benefits of a premium subscription".
Taking a close look at what our competitors
are up to
After coming up with a Problem Statement and Hypothesis Statement, I thoroughly analysed competitors' apps focusing on the features desired by the users in the Qualitative Research. I aimed to understand the strengths, pain points, and content available. Find the full competitor analyses on Miro.

Ideation Phase
How Might We...
How Might We is one of my favourite exercises to approach the Ideation process. The method helped to come up with a lot of ideas translating problems discovered into unthinkable opportunities for design.

Let's scribble everything with the Crazy 8 method
Going down the road into the Ideation process, the Crazy 8 method gave me a good chance to explore possible solutions to key insights previously highlighted and never thought of before.

User's Storyboard

Visualising the user path with User Flow
I designed a user flow to organise the main functionalities desired by users providing an entire overview of the app taking it from their perspective as it was revealed in the User Journey Map.

Prototype Phase

Test Phase
Let's Test It
The Moderated User Testing involved sharing the low-fidelity prototype link with five users who are familiar with booking apps and usually go to the cinema twice per month and inviting them to use the app and explore its multiple features.
- Finding any frustrations while interacting with the prototype
- Identifying any pain points during the tasks requested
- Seeing how efficiently participants can complete requested tasks
- Understanding how efficiently users go through the prototype
- Purchase multiple types of tickets
- Find movie details and cast
- Add and delete purchases

Fresh-out design

High-Fidelity Prototype

- The close approach chosen on Qualitative Research has revealed crucial information to build up a solid knowledge base about the users.
- The UJM clearly helped to overcome the barriers to craft a simplified site map.
Future Roadmaps
Develop a filter feature to search for movies by categories
- Movie recommendation searched
- Feature to update items in the basket